Not for Profit (NFP)

Drive donations while ensuring supporters continue to feel valued and recognised for their contributions at all levels and life stages through personalisation.

Gravitas answers the need of NFP companies to better understand supporter preferences

We use our proven g-suite brand engagement indexing and machine learning predictive models to help charitable organisations achieve the right balance of engagement in their efforts to drive advocacy, on-going donation and enduring brand commitment across all supporter groups.

Forecast and achieve goals with certainty

Gravitas understand the importance within the NFP sector of financial forecasting and risk minimisation. Our practice is to always pre-assess feasibility, desirability and viability to ensure advancement of test and learn strategies and horizon plans by all stakeholders. We share with clients the responsibility and ownership of developing board-level business cases to fund testing of initiatives in advance of any full-scale implementation.

Focus investment for maximum return

  • How strong is your brand commitment?
  • How much more support can you win from brand loyalists?
  • Which donors have further funding potential?
  • Does your organisation have a cross-company supporter-for-life culture?

Gravitas behavioural and attitudinal g-models help answer all the burning questions to inform donor marketing and focus investment for maximum return.

Clients we have worked with

Explore our Not for Profit solutions
